Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mama Bear

It is very hard to be a parent! There are plenty of books, videos, seminars, classes, advisers, etc but if your children don't fit into any of the numerous categories, then you are forced to reinvent the wheel. I am completely in love with my children. I have 3 of the most talented, brilliant, compassionate and amazingly unique boys. They challenge me, fulfill me, make me proud, push me over the edge of sanity, make me laugh until I cry and make me cry until I laugh. They provide no end of entertaining stories to tell and they will always keep me on my toes. Bottom line, no matter WHAT they do or say, I will always be their Mom and I will always move mountains for them because I love them.

Mama Bear was NOT happy yesterday. Our job is to raise them to be productive members of society. Lay the groundwork so they are able to go on in life to make good decisions, excel in their endevours, become spouses, parents and to have the confidence to attempt what we are attempting now. To feel like you have completely failed your child at the tender age of 4 is not a good feeling. Suffice it to say that all is on the mend and we have a plan evolving to put everything on the right track.

I realized yesterday that I truly have no idea how Drake's mind works, what makes him tick. He is sensitive like me, enjoys making people laugh, and wears his emotions right out there for everyone to see. I honestly thought that he was my mini-me (other than the mischeiviousness, that he gets from Bob...). That is not the case. He is VERY much like Bob and I don't get Bob. lol! I love him dearly but I don't get him and I have been scratching my head for 12 years now. Now I see that Drake is Bob's mini-me yet so completely unique that even Bob is scratching his head. I have a social introvert. What? Seriously. A social introvert.

So now we are calling in the big guns. lol! Someone with a PhD to observe him and see if they can give us any guidance on what Drake truly needs to flourish. Bob and I are very fortunate to have such wonderful people who care about our family and are here to help us through. It is time for us to be 2 steps ahead of Drake instead of him lapping us. =]

This picture is from Mother's Day last year when I spent the afternoon swinging in the hammock with Robby & Drake, before I knew that I had one more son out there to love whole heartedly. I look at this picture and it is cathartic for me. This is why I am a Mom. This is why everything we do and endure is worth every moment.

The most dangerous place to be is between a parent and their child.

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