Tuesday, March 6, 2018

No Backs...

I am over everyone getting sick or feeling sick or being sick. Over. Done.

Drake has been dancing with a bug for over a month and it finally "whooped" his arse. Went to the clinic last Wednesday because his coughing was so bad that he was beet red, his eyes were blood red, he was clammy and crying. A hot mess. He was given a breathing treatment and an Rx for antibiotic for pneumonia.

Thursday home, Friday home, weekend home...

Monday he isn't doing better so back to the clinic we go. No more pneumonia, no fever, no sinus issues but no change. Suspected whooping cough. So he has to be tested for pertussis which did not look like fun. It took 2 adults to hold him, pin him and swab in the top inside of his nose for 15 seconds. FIFTEEN! I have never seen Drake so mad. No, it was WAY beyond mad. Livid. Enraged. Murderous. He was mad at all of us. Me because I took him to the Dr. The Dr. for ordering the test, the nurse for administering the test and for having to pin him down. He finally forgave me after he finished a bowl of mac & cheese.

We are sent home with a new antibiotic in case it turns out to be whooping cough, a high dose of steroids (I failed to mention that he threw up his Concerta that morning), and a handful of masks. It was a long day. Thankfully the steroids didn't turn him into Tigger on sugar-coated, caffeinated Adderall. Not so thankful that he was feeling bad enough to not have it effect him. Finally got a call that evening saying that he was negative for whooping cough.

Today I fully intended for him to go back to school. Not contagious. Not vomiting. No fever. I chuckled to myself thinking I should pin a note on his sweatshirt reading "No backs".

Drop him off at 8:20am.
School starts at 8:40am.
School calls at 9:30am because directions on Rx do not match Dr. instructions.
School calls again at 9:38am with a request to pick him up.

No one, including himself, could concentrate or get work finished because of the coughing that was now nearly nonstop. Now the crying starts because he feels horrible and the coughing is hurting his throat so the tears bring on the runny nose which heralds the sniffling which only makes the coughing worse and had triggered asthma. My Man-Drake is home now. Showered in a steamy bathroom, bed made on the recliner, clean mask, water, crackers and cough drops at the ready and he is calming down. I'm not even on the naughty list for saying no games, electronics or video other than educational PBS or BBC movies. Yeah. He feels that bad.

This Mum needs a break because right about now I am feeling like 10 gallons of crazy in a 5 gallon bucket. Or to quote my PT, "Nuttier than squirrel poop".

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