Saturday, March 26, 2011

Adding to the "stash"

I finally received all the packages and orders I have been not so patiently waiting for. Yesterday I was able to go shopping for fabric completely alone; it was HEAVEN! I went armed with my new patterns and coupons. *sigh*

I was a little concerned when I approached the cutting counter and couldn't see over the top of my cart but I had just spent the last hour choosing my fabric so there was NO way I was going to chicken out now. Thankfully the lady that helped me wasn't intimidated by my stack of bolts.

For those of you reading this that do not quilt (or who finance my "habit") lets just say that I got a GREAT deal and can't wait to start quilting. =] Cheers!

For those of you that don't fall into the previous categories... O!M!G! 36 different fabrics, total of 17 yards combined and only $65. I am getting a little rush just reliving it to blog about it. LOL! Mostly reds and greens for this watermelon quilt pattern.

1 comment:

  1. There is just something about a good fabric stash that makes a girl giddy. I'm hardly I a sewer, but I soooooo get it :0)
