Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Drake Equation

Today our little man turns 8.  In some ways it honestly feels much longer than 8 years.  In other ways I can't believe it's already been 8!  I remember my first day with Drake.  You go to the hospital to have your second (or 3rd, or 4th...) and after the baby is born and everyone fights over holding him and commenting on his hair or color or who he looks like, they all disappear.  *Crickets chirping*   Even the hospital staff.  It is almost as if they are thinking, "She's done this before, she won't need anything, lets go help the brand new mommy in room 3".  At one point I gave up on the nurse call button and roamed the halls in my rear a/c fashion gown (fairly certain ass chaps would have covered more) in search of water with ice.  Needless to say I had a lot of one on one time with him.  I couldn't stop staring at him or smoothing my hand over his head, or snuggling and smooching him.

I had been so worried before he was born that I wouldn't be able to love him the way I loved Robby.  How could you possibly be able to?  But when I held him and we were all alone, I felt like the Grinch.  My heart swelled and I realized how ridiculous I had been.  The love I had wasn't going to be split between the two, it doubles and triples.  I was so overwhelmed with just how magical and special he was to me.  He was mine.  And I didn't have to share him, with anyone, until the next day.  I remember saying to him, "Where have you been all my life?  I have been waiting for you."  I still say that to him, to both the boys.

I got to be Drake's Mommy.  I realize that just the thought terrifies some of you when you imagine being in my shoes.  But the rewards are never ending and I wouldn't trade places with anyone else.  Not ever.