Thursday, September 6, 2012

Ninjas don't wear cowbells

Robby and Drake, first day of 3rd and 1st grade.

School is back in session and this is a whole new world to me.  For the first time in over 8 years I have no children home with me during the day.  What did I do with my first day of freedom?  I had early coffee with a great friend, followed by grocery shopping, followed by my very first day of work and earning a wage in 12+ years.  *sigh*

I had the day off today and it started out fantastic!  Coffee, pedicure, couple of errands, time with Gen, a little cleaning, donation drop off and all before 1pm!  Off to pick up my cherubs from school.  

Robby is LOVING his class and teacher.  No problems settling back in at all.  Drake is learning a whole new side to school not to mention trying to make it through a long day.

Drake's teacher meets them in the morning in the commons (a.k.a. lunchroom) so he has about 20 minutes of sitting in the lunch room with other kids as they eat breakfast.  Do you see where this is going?  Are we all clear on Drake's favorite pastime?  The first day of school he managed to score a free breakfast.  Today he tried again but Robby caught him and couldn't get Drake to leave the food line so he had to tell a teacher.  This resulted in a 8:23am call to me (they were dropped off at 8:10am) letting me know that I need to have a chat with Drake about how the food services works and when he is allow to use his code.  I thought it was no big deal because I was NEVER going to give Drake the code.  That would just asking for trouble.  Unfortunately a well meaning para educator taught Drake to memorize his code.  ARGH!

Fast forward, another Drake incident, fast forward, headache starting, fast forward, I fell again, fast forward, playing at the park after school.  STOP!

I had a wonderful time chatting with the Moms at our usual picnic table and then I see Drake walking across the grass with a small, green, biodegradable bag.  

Me:  "Drake, where did you get the green bag?"
Drake:  "Over by the sign with the dog on it."
Me:  "Where are you going and why do you have the green doggy bag?"
Drake:  "I need to find someplace private."
Me:  O.o  "Why?"
Drake:  "I have to poop."
Me:  "In the doggy poo bag?  Right here at the park?!"
Drake:  "Yeah."
Me:  "How about we walk over to the bathrooms instead?"
Drake:  "Okay, but this would have been faster." (clearly exasperated)

For this and every other time I am mere seconds away from a disaster, I am thankful for my Drake-dar.

*"Ninjas don't wear cowbells" is courtesy of Michelle.  It was her reply to my plea to have the boys wear cowbells so they would stop sneaking up behind me and scaring me senseless.